Sunday June 16, 2019 – The Brompton World Championships USA Qualifier at this past weekend’s Harlem Skyscraper Cycling Classic was a fun fueled and stylish affair with 70+ field of ‘serious’ racers, and so wasn’t only the largest race of day but also the best dressed.

For those unfamiliar with the Brompton World Championships the rules are straightforward: competitors must ride a Brompton folding bicycle, wear a suit jacket with collared shirt and ties and there’s no visible lycra permitted.
Team Roula took the opportunity to dandy up with Messrs, Voysey, Carr, Eliakim, Morse and Chiporukha demonstrating exactly how a bow-tie should be worn and perform in a race situation!

There were great prizes available to snag such as a paid for trip to the UK to participate in the Brompton WC event on home turf in London in August, plus other sponsor product prizes for the winner, team, veteran, best dressed and couple.
The air was think with humidity on the day and teetering on the edge of a thunderstorm that thankfully never materialized, only a few drops of rain falling mid race.
To provide the drama the race was started Le Mans ‘style’ with bikes folded in neat order ready to be opened and assembled prior to racing. This left a couple of favorites who hadn’t practiced this customary skill with a hefty handicap on the day!
Once underway a lead pack formed and pace line took up steam charging around the 8 x 1 mile circuit with 4 technical corners to manage, even lapping some of the field as they motored.

It was a successful day for Team Roula with the overall winner Iain Carr, Team win and veteran place 1 and 2 – so plenty of podium action and coverage for the newly assembled crew who are already looking forward to 2020!